2021-02-16-The RC Airplane Week in Review


It’s Winter in the Northern Hemisphere. So here is some YouTube goodness to get us through:

Jeff Cherry2020 Crash Compilation lots of RC Airplane Piece - As we turn to repairing our planes and getting ready for Spring, we are typically repairing because of crashes. Here are Jeff’s best crashes of 2020.

Props & Wheels - Rage R/C Defender 1100 EP RTF - Part 6: Flying over Snow on Floats - Snow doesn’t stop us completely from flying as Props & Wheels puts those warm-weather pontoons to use.

RC Channel AYUB - RC PLANE FLYING | RC PLANE NIGHT FLYING RAPTOR - You don’t typically see flying in the dead of night. Here is an excellent video of flying in the dead of night.

DAD - RC Jet Airplanes Hobby 180mph+, Many of us get into the hobby for the speed. Here is some turbine engine 180mph+ speed.

TheRcSaylors - DEMOLISHED RC PLANE IN 5 SECONDS -The RC Saylors don’t let Winter or a little bit of snow slow them down. Here is how you demolish a plane in 5 seconds

As we are in repair season, share your workshop or what planes you are working on in the comments below.

Happy Flying!


Blues Artist of the Week - Buddy Guy


The Key to RC Club Membership Renewals