Hello there! I'm John, from Springboro, Ohio, and I'm thrilled to invite you into my world of art and exploration. Despite diving into the realm of art relatively recently, it has quickly become a profound passion of mine.

While I don't create art as a full-time artist, I find immense joy in expressing my creativity and sharing my artistic journey with you. Beyond my artistic pursuits, I lead a fulfilling life as a husband, father, and finance professional, successfully managing the balance between my career and passions.

In my corner of the internet, I'll be sharing insights into my art experiences, the joy I find in various activities, and the continuous exploration of new interests. Life is an ever-evolving adventure, and I firmly believe that age should never be a barrier to picking up a new skill or indulging in a newfound passion.

Join me as I navigate through the intricacies of life, offering glimpses into what inspires me, what challenges me, and the lessons I've learned along the way. Through my words, I hope to inspire you to embrace the joy of discovery, reminding you that you're never too old to pursue what sets your soul on fire.

Let's embark on this journey together, discovering the beauty of life and the endless possibilities that await. You can do it too -- find your passion, pursue it with determination, and savor the richness of every moment. Cheers to embracing life's wonders!